You have just learned that one of your creditors is starting to take money out of your paycheck or even your bank account. This is called a garnishment. A garnishment is a legal procedure where a portion of your paycheck is taken for the payment of a debt. Garnishments are…
Articles Posted in Garnishment
Can I get back wages that were garnished if I file bankruptcy?
Yes! You can get back money that was garnished from your wages (if the debt is dischargeable) if you file bankruptcy. In Mississippi, you can only recover garnished wages were taken within 90 days of your filing for bankruptcy and the amount taken was more than $600. You are not…
A checklist for “Should I file bankruptcy?”
I have found it helpful to share this checklist with people who call asking me “Should I file bankruptcy?” In a nutshell, if more than two of the following issues apply to you, it is possible that bankruptcy would be an option worth investigating further: Debt collectors are calling you…
Help for Student Loans
If you are having trouble paying back your student loan debt, the Department of Education has options that will give you more protection from debt collectors collecting on federal education loans. These regulations should make it easier for you to get your federal student loans out of default. These rules…
Fox 40 AM Show Guest Attorney Frank Coxwell
To review the various clips of attorney Frank Coxwell’s appearances on the Fox 40 AM Show, click here to go to our Media page. Mr. Coxwell discusses multiple topics on the show – the garnishment process, how to stop foreclosures in Mississippi, how to deal with student loans, the pitfalls…
Mississippi Garnishment Law
In order for a creditor to garnish your wages, they must first file a lawsuit regarding the debt in question and receive a court judgment in their favor (win the lawsuit). Once this occurs, they will receive an order of garnishment also referred to as a writ of garnishment. This…
Can filing a Chapter 13 protect the co-signer of my student loan?
I get countless calls from people asking what they can do to about their parents or grandparents who co-signed for them on a student loan and are now facing garnishment, loss of their tax refunds, or even seizure of their bank accounts because they co-signed and the loans have not…
Have You Been Sued By A Debt Collector?
Most of my clients come to me after a garnishment has been sent to their job. A few come to see me as soon as they are served with the lawsuit. I wish they would come to see me on the day they get sued, but that is not always practical.…
Can bankruptcy help with student loans?
Yes and no. Student loans cannot be discharged in a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy (unless you can establish substantial hardship). Changes to the US Bankruptcy Code in 2005 even made private student loans non-dischargeable. BUT – a Chapter 13 does allow you to decrease or stabilize the repayment of your student loan…