
Articles Posted in Mortgage and Foreclosure Defense


Avoid scams offering to pay your rent!

Beware of scams dealing with emergency rental assistance! Scammers are coming out of the woodwork with all the various federal relief programs being implemented across the country. They are excellent at disguising their programs to look 100% legitimate.  If you receive and email, text, call, or social media message from…


What happens if my ex lets the house foreclose? Am I responsible?

It is common in a divorce proceeding that involves a marital home and/or vehicles that a property settlement agreement or final judgment obligating one spouse to pay the mortgage or vehicle note will be a part of the divorce decree.  This will constitute a non-dischargeable (can’t be wiped out in…


Can mortgage company foreclose while reviewing for modification?

At least twice a month I receive calls from homeowners who are in the middle of the modification process with their mortgage company and they get notice of a foreclosure.  Over and over they had been told the modification was still being reviewed.  In some cases they were told they’d…


Is There A Foreclosure In Your Future?

Mississippi is leading when it comes to mortgage delinquencies. In October 2011, there were more homeowners in Mississippi behind on house notes than in any other state of the union. The Mortgage Bankers Association reported that there are 4.2 million homeowners across the nation more than 90 days late on…


Foreclosure In Mississippi

Foreclosure is the process that a mortgage company takes to repossess and sell your home when you fall behind in the payments.  In Mississippi, the mortgage company does not have to file a lawsuit against you and get an Order from the Court in order to sell your home.  In…


Lien Stripping – Getting Rid of 2nd Mortgages

There is a provision of the bankruptcy law that allows Mississippi homeowners to eliminate second mortgages.   Not widely known, this section of the bankruptcy code is becoming increasingly popular to bring the mortgage debt closer to the real value of the home. Bankruptcy law prevents a homeowner from getting rid…

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